In a foreign city, a timid and introverted young boy defies his only guardian in pursuit of a newfound friendship and a desire for belonging
In the vibrant coastal town of Mombasa, a young boy wrestles with haunting visions of an enigmatic force pulling him into the ocean. Seeking refuge from these nightmares, he befriends a group of street kids, finding companionship and a sense of belonging.
However, their camaraderie takes a dark turn when they coax him into a petty theft for candy. Caught red-handed, the boy faces the wrath of his furious mother, leading to a heartbreaking confrontation where he accuses his newfound friends of abandonment.
Their response, shocking and unforgiving, results in a harrowing moment where he's pushed into the treacherous waters, unable to swim. As he struggles for his life, it's his mother's courageous act that saves him, ultimately leading to a profound reckoning and the discovery of an unexpected bond amid the tumultuous waves of betrayal and redemption.
Project Progress | Post Production |
Produced by | Purple Cow Productions / HIMIZA / Some Fine Day Pix |
Producers | Margaret Wacera |
Written by | Bill Jones Afwani |
Directed by | Omar Hamza |
Cinematography | Jim Bishop |