After he is reassigned to a rural high school, Tabu, a high-achieving English teacher struggles to sustain a decent lifestyle and a struggling profession amidst the alluring temptations of alcohol.


Tabu (30s) is a high-performing secondary school English teacher, struggling with alcoholism.

Intelligent but reckless, Tabu is cheerful most especially when under the influence, and is a low-spirited nerd when level headed.

In an intimate narration to an alcoholic anonymous help group, Tabu takes us through his integration into the education system, after 90 days at a wellness and rehabilitation facility. He is reposted to a boys school in his rural home.

His sister , mother, and the Teachers Service Commission are all convinced that it's for the better.

Tabu is made in charge of the debate club by the school's principal and kicks off in style steadily earning the students' respect and attention. Tabu blossoms and meets Nina a nurse working in a close by Healthcare unit and the two build an intimate connection.

Tabu is back earning a decent salary at a good school while dating a fair lady, but the alluring temptation of alcohol slides its way back into his innocent life. Will Tabu survive?

Project Data
Project Progress Post Production
Produced by Purple Cow Productions / HIMIZA
Producers Magaret Wacera, Blake Simpson, Morris Schmid and Kirimi Kiage
Written by Kirimi Kiage, Teddy Gitau and Bill Jones Afwani
Directed by Bill Jones Afwani
Cinematography Jim Bishop
Edited by Wambui Gichuhi
Colorist Morris Schmid
Sound Design Horace Onyango

